Apples and applesauce are close relatives, so you may be wondering why you should use apple cider vinegar instead of plain old white vinegar. Well, there are a number of benefits to using the latter. The good news is that the benefits are not just limited to the taste. Here are some more reasons why you should use it for cleaning your mouth.

First, it helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is important because having bad breath is just as bad as having cavities. By using it, you will not only be protecting your health but also your smile.

Second, apple cider vinegar can help to make a mouthwash. It is not surprising that people often find themselves needing to use mouthwash when they get cavities or other mouth problems. Using it will not only help to combat the problem, but it will help to make the mouthwash a little more palatable to the taste buds. You may prefer one taste over another, but you will likely end up liking it anyway.

Third, using apple cider vinegar for a mouthwash is a good way to make a natural alternative to hydrogen peroxide. Many of us are wary of using either. Not only is hydrogen peroxide extremely harsh on the throat, but it can also cause many problems with your eyes. When used for a mouthwash, it can be better at combating bacteria than hydrogen peroxide is.

Fourth, using apple cider vinegar for a mouthwash can be much gentler on your teeth than other types of mouthwashes. Many of the commercially made mouthwashes contain sugar or baking soda. Sugar can actually make toothpaste quite rough on your teeth.

Baking soda can actually be abrasive and is usually blended with other strong chemicals to make it stronger. The result is that the scent of baking soda may be quite strong and offensive. By using apple cider vinegar, you can avoid this problem.

Finally, many commercial mouthwashes are loaded with preservatives. Even though these are usually good for you, they can actually be quite damaging to your teeth. Apple cider vinegar has a much lower level of sugar and other chemicals, which makes it a more natural choice.

A simple experiment you can try to see if apple cider vinegar can solve your problem with cavities. Start by soaking a cotton swab in vinegar. After several minutes, try to bite down on the cotton swab, and you will notice the difference in your breath.

After several weeks of using apple cider vinegar, you will probably notice the effect right away. The saliva and toothpaste in your mouth will not be as strong, allowing your teeth to have a little more time to regain their strength. In the first few days, your teeth may feel a little sensitive.

By combining your apple cider vinegar mouthwash with baking soda, you can end up with a natural tasting mouthwash that is effective. It is still going to smell great and will have the same effect as the commercial mouthwash without all the artificial additives. It is just a little gentler on your teeth. When combined with regular toothpaste, you may even find that you can take care of your teeth the natural way.

Use this information to make your choice this summer about whether or not it’s time to take advantage of the benefits of apple cider vinegar for your teeth. If you have any doubts, you may want to consult your dentist or other health professionals before beginning to use the vinegar for your mouth. You will likely be pleasantly surprised by how much better your breath will be.

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