Stretch mark creams containing copper peptides stimulate skin renewal by encouraging capillary formation and boosting the production of collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycan; they also eliminate dead skin cells and promote the renewal of collagen.|The role of stretch mark lotions is to thin the epidermis(outer layer of the skin) in order to allow the cream work on the middle layer (the dermis) by stimulating the production of collagen, a protein-rich compound responsible for skin elasticity. Laser treatments seal ruptured blood vessels, remove dead skin cells, and heal the middle layer of the skin; it is effective in the reduction of stretch marks.

The manifestation of stretch marks has been attributed to hormonal or endocrine causes such as depression, unhappiness, negative emotions, puberty, vitamin and nutrition deficiencies, physical and environmental changes, and insufficient collagen and elastin in the skin. Try this homemade remedy if you have stretch marks; pour grounded coffee into a bowl, mix it with regular hand lotion and rub the mixture into your skin for about one minute twice a day taking care to wipe off coffee grounds with a moist warm towel.

Evidence collected by research shows that you stand the risk of getting stretch marks if it runs in your family. Bodybuilding exercises tend to result in stretch marks because of the strain put on the skin tissues in the course of lifting weights; weight lifters can patronize stretch mark creams to make their stretch marks appear indiscernible. You can make your own stretch mark prevention cream by following the instructions for making this home remedy; put half a cup of virgin oil into your blender, and add a quarter of aloe vera gel, the liquid from six capsules of vitamin E, and the liquid of from four capsules of vitamin A blend and keep in the fridge after which you can start applying to the affected areas. Rose geranium oil is an alternative for taking care of stretch marks as it actually slows down aging, improves skin tone, and helps to prevent and remove any type of scar from the body. You will not be helping your stretch marks if you constantly dehydrate your skin by basking in the sun so, ensure that if you do have to be in the sun, you wear a good suntan lotion that contains an SPF to protect your skin.

The temperature of the water you used to take your bath counts if you are looking to get rid of your stretch marks as very hot water opens up your pores and dries out your skin whereas very cold water clogs up your skin so, simply take your bath with warm water to strike a balance and promote a stretch mark-free skin.|Despite the various schools of views that surround laser surgery, it has been responsible for the successful fading out of stretch marks because of its efficacy in repairing ruptured blood vessels and healing the dermis (middle skin layer). Research has gathered enough evidence to show that the use of Retin-A, a stretch mark cream, is harmful to the growing fetus of a pregnant mother and should be avoided by pregnant women until after the birth of the baby.

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