If you are new to an internet business, then no doubt you are becoming EXTREMELY frustrated that you aren’t making any sales.

You pictured being on the beach with your laptop, just counting how much money you made every day from your residual income.

You imagined being able to buy whatever it is that you want to buy without even thinking about how much it cost.

You saw yourself in your dream car and home, being able to spend more time with your family.

You have poured in a significant amount of time and dedication into your business so far, yet you haven’t seen any results.

Infuriating, isn’t it? But you must remember that the only way to fail in this business is to quit. I guarantee that you will run into hundreds of extremely tempting businesses, all enticingly projecting the false image that you can make a fortune while doing practically no work if you sell THEIR product. Remember to focus on your current business and stick with it. It is not the product that will determine the outcome of your success, it will be YOU.

This may come as a shock to some, but in order to become extremely successful with an internet business, just like any other business, it takes TIME and EFFORT.

The great thing about the internet is that it’s actually very easy to make sales. You only need two things to make a FORTUNE on the web:

– A legitimate product with an enticing sales page

– Traffic to your site

That’s it! Traffic is your visitors to your website. No traffic equals no sales. Period.

There is a very common misconception about the internet that causes SO MANY could-be millionaires into quitting their business. Let’s say you have just launched your new website with a legitimate product that you are hoping to sell and make a fortune. That is actually a GOOD attitude to have, however, many people seem to think that somehow a swarm of potential buyers will magically visit your site and buy from you. Unfortunately, this is not the case. You have to face the harsh reality that right now, your site is impossible to find.

So we have established that in order to make sales, you need a constant stream of traffic to your website. This is where 95% of internet marketers get stuck.

So how do you get traffic to your site?

An EASY method that is FREE and extremely effective that is always good to start with is article submitting. All it takes is a little bit of time, and creativity on your part.

Write an article about your home-based business, and your experiences (Make sure it’s not just a sales page, include your name and a link to your site at the bottom but make sure the article is actually good content that people will want to read.)

Next, submit the articles to article directories. You have two possible ways of doing this. Try typing ‘article submission’ or ‘free article submission’ and there should be hundreds of article directories where you can submit them manually for free.

Be sure to include a link to your site at the bottom of each article. That way, each article that is submitted will be an open doorway to your website. The more articles you submit that are linking to your site, the more doorways you are creating.

Your Business is what YOU make it.

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