1. Use your autoresponder to publish an e-zine.

Autoresponders with a broadcast feature are a low-cost way to create mailing lists that your visitors can subscribe to including your own e-zine that you can use to effectively market your products.

Concentrate on making your e-zine a source of valuable information for your subscribers and you’ll be able to create an e-zine that your subscribers look forward to reading and that increases your sales.

2. Make a sample issue(s) of your e-zine available by autoresponder.

Your sample issue(s) will help you to increase the number of visitors that subscribe to your publication by showing them firsthand the valuable content that they can expect from subscribing to your e-zine.

In addition, many e-zine directories allow you to submit an autoresponder address where their visitors can obtain a sample issue of your e-zine.

Making a sample issue available to their visitors can help you to increase the number of their visitors that subscribe to your e-zine by setting your e-zine apart from the other publications.

3. Use your autoresponders to deliver email courses to your visitors.

Fill your courses with information that your new readers can profit from and that stresses the benefits of owning your product.

If you write articles you could use these as the basis of your course or even make up the different parts of your course.

In addition, you can write a course that answers commonly asked questions that you get from your visitors, subscribers, or customers.

You can also use problems that people come to you with to write up a course that increases your sales by showing your readers how your product can solve their problems.

For instance, if you wrote a manual on e-zine publishing you could write up a course that shows your readers different ways to promote an e-zine, or that shares with your reader’s different ways that they can successfully market their products to their subscribers.

4. Use your autoresponders to provide your visitors with free excerpts of your informational product.

An excellent way to do this is to make a multipart report. Your free report could be excerpts of a single chapter delivered over a number of days or you could use excerpts of several chapters of your informational product to make up your free report.

Creating your report in this way can be very effective in building up your visitor’s trust in you and your product and can help you to close more sales by giving your visitors a taste of the valuable information to be found in your course, manual, or tutorial.

5. Use your autoresponders to promote your articles.

Make your articles available on your site by autoresponder along with your publishing guidelines. If you’ve written lots of articles, make a master list of your articles available by autoresponder that lists all of your articles along with their autoresponder addresses.

If you write articles on a regular basis, increase your profits by making a mailing list that people can subscribe to that announces when you’ve written a new article or articles.

This can provide you with a terrific way to get your articles published on a regular basis by e-zine publishers and Webmasters who enjoy your writing.

If you run an affiliate program, you can further increase the profit you get from running your list. Tell your subscribers that if they join your affiliate program that they can earn commissions by publishing your articles with their new affiliate URLs in your resource box.

This will increase the number of publishers and Webmasters that publish your articles, giving you more free publicity of your business and more sales of your products.

6. Use your autoresponders to deliver an affiliates only newsletter.

Your newsletter will give you an easy way to provide your affiliates with tips and techniques that they can use to successfully promote your products. Your newsletter will also give you an easy way to announce to your affiliates when you are running a special sale or promotion.

In addition, you can use your newsletter to strengthen your top affiliates’ loyalty to your program by mentioning them and their sites in your publication and by featuring what they do to promote your products.

This will not only help you to show your appreciation for your top affiliates but will also provide your other affiliates with great examples of how to successfully market your products.

7. Use your autoresponders to get repeat sales.

Keep in mind that it is much easier to sell your products to people that have bought your products in the past and know that you offer quality products and services than it is to find new people to buy your products.

Ask your customers to sign up to be notified when you are running a special customer only sale or when you are providing them with a special discount and you’ll be able to develop a large customer base that buys your products on a regular basis.

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